Tsai Ing-wen "ThesisGate" of Taiwan, Republic Of China
中華民國 - 蔡英文"論文門"
Taiwan Tsai Ing-wen "ThesisGate" Worldwide Premiere
貪贓枉法的民進黨把你的髒手拿開!治國沒半步!追殺是一流! 全世界的所有華人會賭咒你的下一代
Taiwan's Criminal Investigation Bureau threatened to prosecute me for posting election fraud videos
Email Dr. Dennis Peng to show your support at: truevot@gmail.com Or Donate at https://PayPal.me/truevot
Dr. Dennis Peng 彭文正博士 Facebook Page
通過電子郵件發送 彭文正博士以表示您的支持:truevot@gmail.com 或通過 https://PayPal.me/truevot 捐贈
First they came for the Communists Then they came for the Socialists Then they came for the trade unionists Then they came for the Jews Then they came for me |
首先,他們是為共產黨而來的 然後他們來找社會主義者 然後他們來找工會會員 然後他們來找猶太人 然後他們來找我 |
A interactive case you can take action 可以採取行動的互動案例
Richardson Reports: News you can't get anywhere else…
Tip: Sign every petition first, Then log in to your email account to verify each email.
Tsai Ing-wen You or the Government can't stop people from telling the truth! 蔡英文政府不能阻止人民講真話! |
Condemn Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen's Abuse of the Freedom of Speech 譴責台灣總統蔡英文反對言論自由 |
Condemn Taiwan’s Fraudulent Recall Election against Mayor Daniel Han Kuo-yu 譴責台灣欺詐性罷免韓國瑜市長選舉 https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/condemn-taiwans-fraudulent-recall-election-against-mayor-daniel-han-kuo-yu |
Reject Taiwan president Tsai Ing-wen’s 2020 rigged election which led Taiwan to a Totalitarian state 拒絕台灣總統蔡英文的2020年操縱選舉,導致台灣淪為極權國家 https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/reject-taiwan-president-tsai-ing-wens-2020-rigged-election-which-led-taiwan-totalitarian-state |
#ThesisGate #論文門 #蔡英文 #Tsai Ing-wen #Taiwan #Corruption #rigged_election #操縱選舉 #Liar #騙子 #電腦做票 #彭文正 #政經關不了 #假博士 #ACTV #亞洲文化電視 #亞洲文化節 #AsianCultureDay #ChineseAsianNews #華亞電視 #AsianCultureAlliance #華亞新聞雜誌 #名人專訪 #AsianCultureTV #蔡英文論文門